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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
// JSA.h
// Definitions for the GoLive Extend Script SDK
// -------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef _JSA_H_
#define _JSA_H_
/* The JSA Javascript Interface
The JSA interface permits developers to write binary code extensions for the Extend Script SDK.
All modules must reside in the SDK subdirectory Common, and all functions are callable by all
Javascript extension modules. The functions are accessible as parts of a Javscript object
which has the same name as the DLL or SharedLib. If, for example, the DLL is called "SomeExt.DLL",
and it contains a function "foo", the function is callable as "SomeExt.foo()".
See the documentation for further information.
When writing a module, it is important to implement the macro JSA_INIT once which defines some data
structures and performs the necessary initialization of the module.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
All data elements are opaque void pointers which are casted internally.
typedef void *JSValue;
The supplied data is one of the following scalar types, returned by JSAGetValueType().
enum JSAValueType {
/** Undefined or empty value. */
/** A boolean value,either 0 or 1. */
/** A 32 bit signed integer quantity. */
/** An 8 byte double precision floating point value. */
/** A null-terminated ASCII string. */
All callable functions must be encoded as JSANativeMethods. They receive
an argc/argv combination as well as a location to store the return value.
@param argc the number of arguments
@param argv the argument vector
@param retval a location to store any return value, preset to undefined
typedef void (*JSANativeMethod)(int argc, JSValue *argv, JSValue returnValue);
typedef int (*JSAValueTypeFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef long (*JSAValueToIntFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSAIntToValueFct)(void *, long, JSValue);
typedef int (*JSAValueToBoolFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSABoolToValueFct)(void *, int, JSValue);
typedef char* (*JSAValueToStringFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSAStringToValueFct)(void *, char *, JSValue);
typedef double (*JSAValueToDoubleFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSADoubleToValueFct)(void *, double, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSARegisterFunctionFct)(void *, char *name, JSANativeMethod);
typedef void (*JSASetErrorFct)(void *, char*);
typedef void (*JSAInitializeFct)(void *);
typedef void (*JSAExitFct)();
typedef void (*JSAUndefinedToValueFct)(void *, JSValue);
typedef void (*JSAEvalFct)(void*, char* text, JSValue retVal, long timeout);
#ifdef WIN32
#define JSAEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
/* ---------- Environment --------------------- */
typedef struct _JSAEnv
long jsaStructSize;
long jsaVersion;
void * jsaInst;
void * externalRef;
JSAValueTypeFct vtypFct;
JSAValueToIntFct vtoiFct;
JSAIntToValueFct itovFct;
JSAValueToBoolFct vtobFct;
JSABoolToValueFct btovFct;
JSAValueToStringFct vtosFct;
JSAStringToValueFct stovFct;
JSAValueToDoubleFct vtodFct;
JSADoubleToValueFct dtovFct;
JSARegisterFunctionFct regFct;
JSASetErrorFct errFct;
JSAUndefinedToValueFct utovFct;
JSAEvalFct evalFct;
} JSAEnv;
/* ---------- Interface ------------------------- */
The JSAMain function is called from within the JSA_INIT macro. It should be used
to register all functions callable by the Extend Script SDK. It is called when the
module has been loaded, which the SDK does on demand before calling the first
function inside the module.
extern void JSAEXPORT JSAMain(void);
The JSAExit function is called when the extension module is about to be unloaded.
Here, the module may be deinitialized.
extern void JSAEXPORT JSAExit(void);
Retrieve the type of a value. It is one of the JSAValueType enums.
@param v the JSAValue to check
@return the type of the value
#define JSAGetValueType(v) JSAEnvObj->vtypFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Retrieve the value as a signed 32 bit integer quantity. Automatic conversion
to the value is applied according to Javascript rules if necessary.
@param v the JSAValue to convert
@return the integer value
#define JSAValueToInt(v) JSAEnvObj->vtoiFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Store an integer value into the given JSAValue.
@param v the JSAValue to receive the integer value
@param i the integer value to store
#define JSAIntToValue(v,i) JSAEnvObj->itovFct(JSAEnvObj,i,v)
Retrieve the value as a boolean quantity (zero or nonzero). Automatic conversion
to the value is applied according to Javascript rules if necessary.
@param v the JSAValue to convert
@return the boolean value
#define JSAValueToBool(v) JSAEnvObj->vtobFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Store an boolean value into the given JSAValue.
@param v the JSAValue to receive the boolean value (zero or nonzero)
@param b the boolean value (zero or nonzero) to store
#define JSABoolToValue(v,b) JSAEnvObj->btovFct(JSAEnvObj,b,v)
Retrieve the value as a zero terminated ASCII string. Automatic conversion
to the value is applied according to Javascript rules if necessary.
@param v the JSAValue to convert
@return the ASCII string
#define JSAValueToString(v) JSAEnvObj->vtosFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Store a zero terminated ASCII string value into the given JSAValue.
@param v the JSAValue to receive the string
@param s the string to store
#define JSAStringToValue(v,s) JSAEnvObj->stovFct(JSAEnvObj,s,v)
Retrieve the value as an eight byte floating point value. Automatic conversion
to the value is applied according to Javascript rules if necessary.
@param v the JSAValue to convert
@return the floating point value
#define JSAValueToDouble(v) JSAEnvObj->vtodFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Store an eight byte floating point value into the given JSAValue.
@param v the JSAValue to receive the floating point value
@param d the floating point value to store
#define JSADoubleToValue(v,d) JSAEnvObj->dtovFct(JSAEnvObj,d,v)
Set the given value to undefined.
@param v the JSAValue to be set to undefined.
#define JSAUndefinedToValue(v) JSAEnvObj->utovFct(JSAEnvObj,v)
Register a function by name within the Javascript extension. Only registered functions can
be called from within the Javascirpt extension modules. The function must be a JSANativeMethod.
The location to register functions is within the JSAMain() function.
@param n the function name. The name must follow Javascript naimg conventions.
@param f the function itself (a JSANativeMethod)
#define JSARegisterFunction(n,f) JSAEnvObj->regFct(JSAEnvObj,n,f)
Set a runtime error.
@param text the error message as a zero terminated ASCII string
#define JSASetError(text) JSAEnvObj->errFct(JSAEnvObj,text)
Evaluate a Javascript scriptlet. The scriptlet is executed within the current runtime scope
of Javascript. An optional JSAValue may be supplied to receive the return value. The given
timeout is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the engine. If the timeout elapses before
this call returns, a runtime error is generated. Supplying 0 means that the scriptlet is
run asynchronously; the call returns immediately, and the return value location must be NULL.
A value of -1 means to wait forever, which should be the default.
@param text the scriptlet code to run
@param retval the optional return value (may be NULL for no return value)
@param timeout the timeout in milliseconds. 0 returns immediately, -1 waits forever.
#define JSAEval(text,retval,timeout) JSAEnvObj->evalFct(JSAEnvObj,text,retval,timeout)
The structure supplied to allow for drawing inside a module.
The Draw.getDrawInfo() method of the Extend Script SDK returns a long value which is really a
pointer to a JSADrawInfo structure. The pointer may be retrieved by JSAValueToInt() and casted
to a JSADrawInfo structure. The contents of the structure can be used to implement drawing
in native code.
struct _JSADrawInfo
/// The device context. This is a DC handle on Windows or a GrafPtr pointer on the Mac.
long context;
/// The top left corner of the current drawing area.
long left, top;
/// The bottom right corner of the current drawing area.
long right, bottom;
typedef struct _JSADrawInfo JSADrawInfo;
/* ---------- Implementation ---------------- */
extern JSAEnv *JSAEnvObj;
extern void JSAEXPORT JSAEntry(JSAEnv *env);
#define JSA_INIT \
JSAEnv *JSAEnvObj; \
void main() \
{ \
} \
void JSAEXPORT JSAEntry(JSAEnv *env) \
{ \
JSAEnvObj = env; \
JSAMain(); \
} \
#ifdef __cplusplus